I am looking for

October 12, 2024


What I am looking for:

After over 38 years of experience in  BDSM, I know exactly what I want and what is really possible and what´s not.
- on the other hand, I absolutely can differ today between what is absolute important, not negotiable and where I am flexible.
One of the important and essential things is that I'm looking for a really long-term relationship that simply has to be right on both 
a sexual and non-sexual level. Major compromises are actually the beginning of the end. The important things for me are:
1. That the other is really a real masochist, meaning that he not only accepts pain, but is really hungry for pain. He must be 
a painpig.

2. That the applicant is younger than me. Best between 25 and 45, but it's not set in stone. In the end it depends on the type. However, being under 18 or over 58 is out of the question

3.You should be ready to relocate in a reasonable amount of time. I don't expect you to move in with me in a few days, especially since we have to get to know each other first. We have to see via e-mail and Skype live that it really a good match – sexually AND non-sexual. But if you think you need 1 year or more, you should only apply when you only need a maximum of 3 months. In general, it should be important to you to start such a relationship. If you still have to go on your planned vacation, have to go to any meetings, etc. then do not contact me. If there any acceptable reason that you need more then 3 month we can talk about and see if I can accept it. But fast we have to have a shedule where we planning everything and a exactly deadline.

4. Don't be work-shy. Since there's a lot to do around the household and I'm not likely to help, you should be happy to take care of it. Help out in the business sometimes and maybe we start something new together. Ideas I have enough.

5. Be obedient from the start. Especially in the transition period, I attach great importance to this. Since you are not with me yet, and classic punishments are therefore not possible, I have to be able to rely on you to follow instructions. For example, if we make an appointment to Skype, this should have to work. If it goes wrong twice, I don't care about your excuse, I'll just end the whole thing. I don't need any wannabes, babbler or faker. Which I get more and more.
If we start a conversation (by recon, fetlife, romeo, Skype or by eMail) and after 2,3 times talking you stop to answer me or disappear, I will stop everything. I not allow anymore to waste my time. If you have problems with something, don´t understand things or have any other questions then talk to me openly. Just to be silence and disappear is pathetic and shows that you are just a wannabe and not real.


6. Also get involved emotionally. After all these years, I have realized that such a relationship only lasts if both people feel mutually for each other. This can be, but does not have to be, classic love. The sub's adoration, admiration and devotion to the master can also be a type of affection. I'm open to a lot of things - from classic love to...


Often they ask me how the right man have to look ? Apart from the fact that appearances aren't really important to me, it's also hard to describe what really turns me on. So it will surprise many people and some people even don't believe me, but I look mostly at 3 body parts of a man:

1. The face. I like pretty and horny faces. By that I don't mean the classic good-looking beauty type who looks like a model, but I'm looking at
the eyes and especially the look. When a guy has something sex-hungry, perverted in his eyes or generally great eyes and a great look that 
radiates something (be it joy, hunger for life or simply a positive nature) - like my last partner Filiphe - then that just attracts me. And when 
he has a natural smile, that really turns me on. And I generally think a positive attitude to life is good and is a real plus point. I'm and the 
world negative enough and usually I am very critical. So somebody for who is always the glass half full then half empty is nice. But I don´t 
mean the artificial smile and positive behavior of many religious groups & sects, but a natural smile and a natural positive nature.
2. Feet. When feet are particularly well cared for, I find it very sexy. If he then wears flip flops or swimming slipper -  wow...
3.Hands. They're not as important as feet, but well-groomed hands make a man even more attractive to me
When it comes to things like body type, I'm not very picky about whether someone is slim, skinny, athletic, muscular, stocky or just a 
completely normal body. I think it's irrelevant. Only very overweight people turn me off. But a little belly is ok. I find body size completely 
unimportant. Whether someone is 1.50 meters or 2.50 meters is unimportant as long as everything else is good and fits. 
And what about hair and hairiness? This question is difficult to answer because it depends somewhat on the type, but a 3-day beard can be 
okay, a full beard is not. If your arms and legs are a little hairy, that's ok, the rest (especially your chest, stomach, back, tail, balls and ass) 
should be completely shaved. And head hair? Now I think it's short-cropped, bald and long hair (ponytail) - everything else has to be seen, 
but the applicant should be aware that there may still be changes.

And  maybe one day comes my dream true, to build my sm family, where I will live together with 2,3 different slaves. It will be great and one of my biggest fantasies. But maybe one slave will be enough and let me enjoy and feel like I have 3....

Will there be something like a "slave contract" or something like that? Yes, there will be, and there will also be an official power of attorney. 
I simply expect you to surrender yourself to me completely and that I have total control. If you would like to see the possible "slave contract" 
then send me an email.




Something to smile:

                                                        The mysteries of a sucessful relationship

It is important to find a man who helps at home, who cooks from time to time, cleans up and in addition has a good job and bring good money home.

It is important to find a man who makes you laugh.

It is important to find a man on whom you can count and who not lying to you.

It is important to find a man who is good in bed and who likes to have sex with you.

But most important is that these men know NOTHING of each other!


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eMail: baremachosadist@eclipso.eu








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